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Palestine written by Michael Jackson

8:42 AM

See the plains
Of the days of old
Just a century ago
When peace stories were told.
Of how Gallilie ran through
The Jordan river.

What remains are cold
Tales of war,
Of the death and dying,
Bomb shells are flying,
Bodies multiplying,
See the children crying.

What are they fighting for?

I will pray for you,
Oh, Palestine.
Oh, Palestine,

I will carry you, oh, Palestine.
Come deep in my heart.
I’ll always love you.

Palestine, don’t cry,
I will pray for you,
Oh, Palestine.
Oh, Palestine,
Oh, Palestine.

God’s a place for you
Oh, Palestine.
And, I believe in you.
Oh, Palestine, I will die for you.

A Poem, Written By : Michael Jackson
(Unknown Date, Unreleased)

Editor's note: I'm deeply sad about the things that are happening right now in Palestine. I can't do anything but pray...

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