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“and you’re gonna be written about in history books.”

2:06 PM

We were jubilant when we learned we had passed the Motown audition. I remember Berry Gordy sitting us all down and saying that we were going to make history together. “I’m gonna make you the biggest thing in the world,” he said, “and you’re gonna be written about in history books.” He really said that to us. We were leaning forward, listening to him, and saying, “Okay! Okay!” I’ll never forget that. We were all over at his house, and it was like a fairy tale come true listening to this powerful, talented man tell us we were going to be very big. “Your first record will be a number one, your second record will be a number one, and so will your third record. Three number one records in a row. You’ll hit the charts just as Diana Ross and the Supremes did.” This was almost unheard of in those days, but he was right; we turned around and did just that. Three in a row. 

~Michael Jackson (Moonwalk)

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